Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I feel as if my relationships revolve around texting conversations. If it is telling my mom what I am doing or having an important conversation with a friend; it seems easier to do it with a simple text.

I think about most of my friendships often; [the ones that failed in a week and the friendships that I will cherish forever] I realize that these friendships would mean so much more if I just took time to call them up to see how they are or invited them to lunch to chat. Having a real coversation with a person can mean more, even if it is just one time, than any text will. Real talk, face to face.

I also think about my relationship with God and I realize that for so many years I was "texting" him. Just having a short conversation while I was busy doing something else. I never gave him my full attention, which is what he asks from us. God always hears us, every little prayer we think and I believe he does answer them. However, I struggle with giving him only a piece of my life and talk to him when I need help. My challenge to myself is to not just pray to God but to talk to him, tell him about my day [the good and bad] and I know that my relationship will grow stronger just because intimate conversation is needed in any relationship.

{1 Kings 9:3}

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